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Wyoming General Warranty Deed Form

A Wyoming general warranty deed is a legal form that conveys and warrants property from a seller (grantor) to a buyer (grantee). The form is the best way possible to transfer real estate ownership as it guarantees that the title will be transferred in "fee simple," or free of any liens or encumbrances by the current or any previous owners.

Wyoming Quit Claim Deed

A Wyoming quit claim deed is used to convey property between a grantor and grantee in an informal way, as it provides no warranty for the grantee. This form must be submitted to the Wyoming Office of the Recorder in the county where the property is located.

Wyoming Real Estate Power of Attorney Form

A Wyoming Real Estate Power of Attorney is a form that a Principal uses for the purpose of designating an Agent to handle any real property transactions, care, management, mortgage refinance, or any other real estate business. This document will require notarization.

Wyoming Unsecured Promissory Note

A Wyoming unsecured promissory noteĀ is a signed promise that binds a lender and a borrower of a monetary balance into a contract requiring the borrower to reimburse the lender the balance plus interest in a timely and structured manner. This template does not include security, leaving the lender at an increased financial risk.

Wyoming Secured Promissory Note

A Wyoming secured promissory noteĀ binds a lender and a borrower in a contractual agreement, requiring the borrower to reimburse the lender in a predetermined timeframe. The note also requires the borrower to set aside an asset to be given to the lender in the case of a default.

Wyoming 3-Day Notice to Quit | Non-Payment & Non-Compliance

A Wyoming 3-day notice to quit (non-payment & non-compliance) is a legal document sent to a tenant who has breached their lease agreement either by failing to pay rent on time or by otherwise violating the terms of the agreement. The notice allows the tenant three days to either remedy the breach or face eviction.

Wyoming Single-Member LLC Operating Agreement Form

A Wyoming single-member LLC operating agreement form is a legal document used to establish standard operating procedures and policies for a single-member LLC. The agreement also creates protections for the owner's private assets.

Wyoming Multi-Member LLC Operating Agreement Form

A Wyoming multi-member LLC operating agreement is a legal form that documents in writing the proper formation of a multiple-member entity. The agreement provides a proper listing of the members, records their financial contribution and percentage of interests, and creates a separation between their assets and those of the company.

Wyoming Boat Bill of Sale

A Wyoming boat bill of sale is a document that records the legal transfer of a boat's ownership. It provides information about the buyer and the seller, the vessel, and the terms of the transaction. This document may be required to register with the state, depending on the type of boat.

Wyoming Firearm Bill of Sale Form

A Wyoming firearm bill of sale is a legal document that proves a firearm has been sold and legally acquired between two private parties in the State of Wyoming. This document provides information regarding the firearm, the change of ownership, the seller, and the buyer.