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Wisconsin Assoc. of Realtors Residential Lease Agreement

A Wisconsin association of realtors residential lease agreement outlines the terms and conditions of a rental agreement between a landlord and tenant. The document is intended to legally protect both parties. The landlord collects the tenant's personal information and consent to a credit report through a rental application.

Wisconsin Limited Power of Attorney

A Wisconsin limited power of attorney form designates an agent who will represent a principal in a specific matter. The form must be clear about what the agent is authorized to do and for how long.

Wisconsin Revocation of Power of Attorney Form

A Wisconsin revocation of power of attorney is a form used to terminate or cancel the powers granted to an authorized agent by a previous power of attorney. After executing this form, the principal must give notice to the agent and any entities that received the original power of attorney. Otherwise, the revocation is not legally binding.

Wisconsin General (Financial) Power of Attorney

A Wisconsin General (Financial) Power of Attorney Form gives an individual the ability to authorize another person to manage their finances and assets on their behalf. In the document, the principal will determine which powers the agent has in managing their financial affairs.

Wisconsin Minor (Child) Power of Attorney Form

A Wisconsin minor (child) power of attorney form is a document enabling a child's parents or legal guardian to appoint another adult to care for the child when the parents are not available to represent the child.

Wisconsin Durable (Statutory) Power of Attorney Form

A Wisconsin durable statutory power of attorney form authorizes a person ("agent") to handle the financial affairs of someone else during their lifetime. The person giving power ("principal") is recommended to choose a trusted person, such as a spouse, family member, or close friend, to be their agent.

Wisconsin Medical Power of Attorney | Form F-00085

Wisconsin medical power of attorney lets a person select a health care agent to step in and make decisions if a patient becomes incapacitated. The patient can make special instructions for the agent and must be signed with two (2) witnesses to be legal.

Wisconsin Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney Form

A Wisconsin motor vehicle power of attorney form provides a very specific delegation of some of the authority a person holds over their vehicle to another person.

Wisconsin Tax Power of Attorney (Form A-222)

A Wisconsin tax power of attorney (Form A-222) should be employed to have someone else (i.e. accountant or tax attorney) handle paperwork involved with the Wisconsin Department of Revenue on a taxpayer's behalf.

How to Form an LLC in West Virginia (7 steps)

Forming an LLC in West Virginia can be done by mail or online through the Secretary of State's One-Stop Business Portal. The standard processing time is five to ten business days, but 24-hour, two-hour, and one-hour expedited services are also available for an additional fee.