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Washington Month-to-Month Lease Agreement

A Washington month-to-month rental agreement, or "periodic tenancy," is a lease with no specified end date. The lease ends when either the landlord or tenant provides adequate notice to terminate, 20 days is required.

Seattle, Washington Month-to-Month Lease Agreement

A Seattle, Washington month-to-month lease agreement is a short-term rental contract with no set end date. The agreement only terminates when either the landlord or tenant provides notice at least 20 days in advance.

Washington Commercial Lease Agreement

A Washington commercial lease agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a commercial property rental. Once signed by the landlord and tenant, it becomes a legally binding contract. The agreement contains information about the lease term, rent amount, security deposit, option to renew, and more.

Washington Lease Termination Letter Form

A Washington lease termination letter provides adequate notice of an upcoming end to a month-to-month tenancy. Either the landlord or tenant may serve the other party this notice to indicate the termination of the tenancy.

Washington Rent-to-Own Lease Agreement

A Washington rent-to-own lease agreement is a standard rental contract between a landlord and tenant that also includes an option to buy. The tenant is required to give notice to the landlord when ready to buy. The landlord and tenant typically convert the lease to a purchase agreement that matches the agreed-upon terms.

Washington Rental Application

A Washington rental application is a document that landlords, property owners, and management companies provide to applicants seeking to rent a property. The application collects their employment history, rental history, and other personal information that, with signed permission, the landlord has a right to verify.

Washington Limited Power of Attorney

A Washington limited power of attorney form is the paperwork a principal can use to delegate decision-making authority to an agent. The principal is the individual who intends to use an agent to perform a specific task(s) on his or her behalf.

Washington General (Financial) Power of Attorney

A Washington General (Financial) Power of Attorney Form allows an individual (the principal) to appoint another person (an agent) to manage their finances and assets. Within the document, the principal will define what authority the agent has. This authority will automatically expire if the principal becomes incapacitated or dies.

Washington Durable (Financial) Power of Attorney Form

A Washington durable financial power of attorney form allows a person to designate another person to act as their agent and handle their financial affairs. The principal will need to complete the form, initialing the powers given to the agent, and upon completing will need to be acknowledged before a notary public.

Washington Minor (Child) Power of Attorney Form

A Washington minor (child) power of attorney form is a legal document used by parents or guardians to place their child in the care of trusted friends or family when they are unavailable due to illness or other long-term absence.