What is the Taxpayer's Name? This is commonly an independent contractor or business entity that will earn more than $600/year. Is the Taxpayer a Business Entity? Is the Taxpayer a Business Entity? YesNo (individual) Does the Business Entity use a different name than the one entered above? Does the Business Entity use a different name than the one entered above? YesNo What is the Business Entity's Name? Trade name or "doing business as" (DBA) name What is the Taxpayer's Tax Classification? What is the Taxpayer's Tax Classification? Individual, Sole Proprietor, or Single-Member LLCLimited Liability Company (LLC)C CorporationS CorporationPartnershipTrust or EstateOther Enter the Entity Type: LLC Tax Classification: LLC Tax Classification: Partnership (most common)C CorporationS Corporation If you selected Partnership or Trust/Estate, or selected LLC/Partnership and you are providing this form to a partnership, trust or estate in which you have ownership, indicate whether you have any FOREIGN partners, owners or beneficiaries: If you selected Partnership or Trust/Estate, or selected LLC/Partnership and you are providing this form to a partnership, trust or estate in which you have ownership, indicate whether you have any FOREIGN partners, owners or beneficiaries: YesNo What is the Taxpayer's Number? What is the Taxpayer's Number? Individual (SSN or ITIN)Business Entity (EIN) Enter SSN or ITIN: Numbers only (no dashes or hyphens!) Enter EIN: Numbers only (no dashens or hyphens!) What is the Taxpayer's Address? Street Address (only): Ex. 123 Apple Way, Apt 1A City, State, Zip Code: Ex. Los Angeles, CA 90001 Taxpayer's Account Number Do you want to enter the Taxpayer's IRS Account Number? Do you want to enter the Taxpayer's IRS Account Number? YesNo (most common) The taxpayer has the option to list any accounts they have with the IRS to pay back taxes or pre-payments for anticipated tax liabilities. Enter the Account Number(s): Exempt Payee Do you have an EXEMPT PAYEE code? Do you have an EXEMPT PAYEE code? YesNo (most common) Enter the Exempt Payee Code: FATCA Exemption Do you have a FATCA EXEMPTION code? Do you have a FATCA EXEMPTION code? YesNo (most common) Enter the FATCA Exemption Code: Requestor Do you want to enter the REQUESTOR'S Name and Address? Do you want to enter the REQUESTOR'S Name and Address? YesNo (optional) This is the party that is REQUESTING the W9. What is the Requestor's Name? Requestor's Street Address (only): City, State, Zip Code: Date Taxpayer's Signature: Clear Please draw your signature. Date: Usually is today's date. Next Save Save and finish later