Updated June 02, 2022
An Arizona tax power of attorney (Form 285-I) allows a principal to give agent-specific tax-related power of attorney in the event they find themselves unable to work directly with the state Department of Finance. For example, if the principal becomes disabled and cannot file their taxes without assistance, the agent is their legal representative to meet with tax accountants or IRS representatives, and file tax forms to the appropriate state and federal authorities.
How to Write
1 – Gather the Appropriate Information and Download the Form
Download the form (use the buttons on the right) and make at least two copies – one for the principal, and one for the agent. If the principal wishes to name a successor to the agent, that person should also receive a copy of the tax power of attorney forms.
2 – Make Arrangements
Meet with a notary public, and get a neutral witness who is not related to the agent.
3 – Fill Out The Principal’s Tax Payer Information
Find the box labeled “Taxpayer Name(s),” in Section 1 (“Taxpayer Name”), then enter the Name of each Taxpayer empowering the Appointee(s) concerning Tax Disclosure and/or Representation.
Now, find the box labeled “Social Security Number,” on the same line. There will be enough space here to report the Social Security Number of two Principal Taxpayers. Report the Social Security Number of the Taxpayer(s) named in the first box.
The next row will also have several boxes requiring attention. The first area, “Present Address,” calls for the Street Address of the Principal Taxpayer to be entered. This should be the actual physical location of his or her Building Number/Street/Rural Route.
Next to this, report the Principal Taxpayer’s “Apartment or Suite No.,” if applicable.
Finally, in the last area of this row, report the Principal Taxpayer’s “Daytime Telephone Number.”
On the next row, in the box labeled “City, Town or Post Office,” enter the City or County where the Principal Taxpayer’s Street Address reported above is located.
In the box labeled “State,” report the Principal Taxpayer’s State.
Then in the adjacent box, adjacent to the “State” box report the Principal Taxpayer’s Zip Code.
4 – Fill out the Appointee’s Information
The next section, “Appointee Information,” will require several items of information similar to the Taxpayers plus the Appointee’s Credentials. To begin, enter the Full Name of the Appointee in the box labeled “Name.” Note, if there are more than one Appointee, their information and credentials should be listed on a supplemental sheet that is clearly labeled and attached to this form.
Below the reported Appointee Name, enter the Building Number/Street/Rural Route where the Appointee is found. If there is an Apartment Number or Suite Number, report this in the box adjacent to the reported Appointee Street Address.
The next row will require the City, State, and Zip Code associated with the reported Appointee’s Street Address.
The last row of “Appointee Information” requires the Daytime Phone Number of the Appointee reported in the box labeled “Daytime Telephone Number.”
Finally report the applicable ID Number of the Appointee in the box labeled “State and State Bar Number,” “Social Security or Other ID No,” “Internal Revenue Service Enrolled Agent Number,” or “State and Certified Public Accountant Number.” If the Appointee being reported is identified with a State Bar Number or CPA Number, the State must be reported. If there is another Type of Number being reported in the last box, the Type of ID must be noted in the appropriate box. Only fill in one ID Number and any relevant supporting information.
5 – Provide Area of Disclosure
In the section “Tax Matters,” report the Year(s) Principal Taxpayer provides the Appointee consent to access or have information presented in regarding his or her Tax paperwork.
6 – Indicate Type of Confidential Tax Information The Appointee May Access
It the Principal Taxpayer wishes to grant the Appointee the Power of Attorney that is all-inclusive regarding his or her taxes, then mark Item 4. There will be a space directly below this paragraph where the Principal Taxpayer may report any Limitations or Restrictions to the Appointee’s Authority.
If the Principal wishes to Revoke all previously assigned Authorities granted, then mark the box in Item 5. If the Principal also wished to selectively revoke certain powers or access granted through previous documents, there will be a blank line below this paragraph where such selections may be defined.
7 – The Principal Signs and Dates the Document
Each Principal Taxpayer granting Authorities, listed on this document, the recorded Appointees must Sign his or her Name on the “Signature Of or For Taxpayer” line. Then enter the Date he or she has Signed this document. Below this, the Principal Taxpayer must Print his or her Name. This form will allow for a legal Attorney-In-Fact to provide consent through a Signature.
8 – Declaration of Appointee
If there are business or corporate taxes that the principal is responsible for, Part 7 allows those powers to also be transferred to the agent. The Appointee will need to be defined as an Entity Type. This may be done by listing one of the letters corresponding to one of the description statements in the Appointee Signature area. Note: If the Appointee is associated with a Federally Authorized Tax Practioner then this party must Sign his or her Name on the line labeled “Practioner’s Name.” Such a Practioner must also provide his or her CAF Number on the next blank line.
The table at the bottom of this page will require the Appointee’s Entity Type as defined by letters “a” through “d” to be entered in the column labeled “Designation.”
In the column marked “Jurisdiction,” the Appointee must enter the State where he or she is licensed to practice the designated profession.
The Signature Column will require the legal Signature of the Appointee. Only the Appointee may supply this.
The Date Column will require the Date the Signature of the Appointee was provided by the Appointee to be reported.