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Rhode Island Custody (Parenting) Plan

A Rhode Island custody agreement is a legal document that outlines how separated parents will share custody of their child. Generally, if both parties are fit to parent, the court seeks to grant shared custody or to assign each parent equal decision-making authority over the child.
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How to File for Custody in Rhode Island

A Rhode Island court only has the jurisdiction to decide on custody-related matters if the child is living in Rhode Island or was six months before the proceeding commenced.[1]

1. Agree on a Parenting Plan

Prior to filing for custody, parents should try to get on the same page regarding the terms of custody. If parents are able to reach an agreement on the parenting plan, the court is likely to accept it as long as it is written in the best interest of the child.

2. Calculate Child Support

In Rhode Island, the combined income of both parents and the number of children are used to determine how much child support obligations may be ordered by the court. Use the state’s Schedule of Basic Support Obligations to estimate the amount of child support that the court may order.

3. File Paperwork

Custody proceedings can be pursued as part of a divorce. To file for a divorce or “divorce from bed and board,” the latter of which indicates a legal separation, Form FC-56 must be filed with the judicial complex in the correct county. File for divorce online.

In the case of unmarried parents, the State of Rhode Island recognizes the mother as the primary custodian if the relationship between parents dissolves. In order to initiate a custody proceeding, the father must establish his parentage by filing a Voluntary Acknowledgement of Parentage form. File the paperwork electronically.

4. Attend Mediation

The Rhode Island Family Court offers a free mediation program, the goal of which is to produce a parenting plan, or custody arrangement, that satisfies both parents while also prioritizing the needs of the child. The Mediation Unit will schedule a mediation session once paperwork has been filed with the court. Attendance at the mediation session is mandatory. Contact the Family Court Mediation Unit (401) 458-5032 with questions.

If the mediation is successful, the mediator will prepare a Memorandum of Understanding outlining the terms of the agreed-upon parenting plan and submit this to the court as an order, which must be approved by a judge in order to be valid.

5. Attend Hearing

In Rhode Island, most mediations end with some degree of agreement. If, however, the mediation session is not successful, then the matter will be scheduled to be heard in court. If it’s reasonable and in the child’s best interest, the court seeks to give reasonable visitation rights to the parent who is not granted primary custody of the child.[2]

Custody Laws

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