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Alaska Firearm Bill of Sale

An Alaska firearm bill of sale permits an individual to legally sell a firearm to another individual. The buyer must be at least 18 and have no legal reason to be restricted from owning a gun.[1]
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Privately Selling a Firearm

Any person may sell a gun privately in the state of Alabama.

Prohibited from Buying

Under state law,[2] a person may not:

  1. Knowingly sell or transfer a concealable firearm to a person who has been convicted of a felony in the state of Alabama, in a federal court, or any other state or territory;
  2. Sell a prohibited weapon; and
  3. Knowingly sell or transfer a firearm to another whose physical or mental condition is substantially impaired due to the influence of alcohol or any controlled substance.

Registering a Firearm

No law requires a person in Alaska to register a firearm. Furthermore, the state of Alaska prohibits any local authority from asking a resident to register a gun.[3]

Concealed Carry

Alaskans cannot conceal a firearm without an Alaska Concealed Handgun Permit (ACHP). Residents 21 years or older may apply.

How to Apply

  1. Must undergo a handgun course provided by the Department of Public Safety. After the course is completed, a certificate should be issued.
  2. Get passport photos (must be within 30 days of application submission).
  3. Get fingerprints completed from an Approved Fingerprinter Office.
  4. Submit in person the following to a State Trooper Office:
    1. A check of $88.25 made out to the “State of Alaska.”
    2. Certificate from the Dept. of Public Safety for completing the handgun course;
    3. Photo of applicant equivalent to a passport photo;
    4. Fingerprints on a standard 8″ x 8″ FBI fingerprint card; and
    5. Application for a Concealed Handgun Permit (Form 12-299A).

After waiting approximately 30 days, the permit should be approved or rejected.


All permits issued in other states are valid in the state of Alaska.[4]