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South Carolina 5-Day Notice to Quit Form | Non-Payment

A South Carolina five-day notice to pay or quit (non-payment) is a legal notice delivered by a landlord requiring a tenant to pay past-due rent within five days. If the rent is not paid in this time, the tenant may be evicted.
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  • Notice Period: Five days.[1]
  • Rent Grace Period: None, rent is due at the time and place agreed upon in the lease agreement.[2]
  • Maximum Late Fee: South Carolina law does not set a limit on late fees.

Delivery Options (3)

  1. Delivering a copy of the notice to the tenant by hand;
  2. Sending by registered or certified mail;[3] or
  3. Including the notice in “conspicuous language” in the lease agreement.[1]

Waiver of Landlord’s Right to Terminate

The acceptance of rent by the landlord after the eviction process has begun does not constitute a waiver of the landlord’s right to terminate the lease.[4]


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