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Georgia Real Estate Agent Listing Agreement

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Georgia Real Estate Agent Listing Agreement

Updated April 22, 2024

A Georgia real estate agent listing agreement is used to create a relationship between an agent and an individual attempting to sell property. Through the execution of the contract, the seller permits the agent to list their property on the open market and, if a buyer is found before the agreement expires, earn a commission from the sale. The contract will also address the nature of the agreement between owner and agent; in most cases, the parties will elect an “exclusive right to sell” agreement. This listing type provides the agent with exclusivity to the real estate transaction. The exclusive agreement also entitles the agent to earn a commission from the sale regardless of whether or not a buyer is found as a result of their services. Other listings types are permitted in Georgia (e.g., open listing, exclusive agency).

Agency Disclosure – No standardized form. Georgia law demands that licensees describe to both buyers and sellers the relationship established upon accepting representation by an agent. This information must be provided in the form of a written disclosure delivered to the individual in a timely manner, but not later than the first occurrence of an offer to purchase or sell real estate.[1]

Dual Agency – Legal in Georgia. The buyer and seller must sign a written consent form drafted in accordance with Georgia law.[2]

Property Disclosure Statement – Informs buyers of certain defects affecting a seller’s property. To avoid conflict, the seller should provide this disclosure to potential buyers as soon as an interest to purchase is displayed.[3]

Search a Licensee – Find a real estate agent to verify their license information.


  1. § 520-1-.06(4)(b)
  2. § 10-6A-12
  3. § 44-1-16