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Hawaii Name Change Forms | Petition

Hawaii name change forms are used when petitioning for a legal name change for an adult. In the case of a marriage or divorce, the individual can declare a new last and/or middle name on their marriage license application or revert to a previous name during divorce proceedings.
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How to Change Your Name (6 steps)

1. Fill Out Application

Computer laptop with Hawaii Name Change website on display.

The application materials needed for a name change petition are available online. The portal allows petitioners to submit payments, track the status of applications, and access documents. To use the service, create a free account and log in. Be prepared to provide the following information:

  • Legal names, including family names
  • Birth certificate details
  • Employment information
  • Criminal history, if any
  • New requested name

Upon completing your application materials, you will be prompted to pay a non-refundable $50 filing fee and a $5 portal fee by credit card.[1]  Note that your application will not be saved until payment is made.

If you are active duty military personnel, contact the Lieutenant Governor’s office for more information before applying for a name change.

2. Notarize Documents

Woman at desk with sign that indicates she is an official notary.

Your forms will be available to download and print after your payment is submitted. Print single-sided copies of each of the following documents, ensuring that a bar code is present at the bottom of each page:

  1. Petition
  2. Fact Sheet
  3. Notice of Change of Name
  4. Order (six copies)

Bring your documents to a Notary Public Official who is commissioned by the State of Hawaii to sign and notarize the petition.

3. Obtain Certified Copy of Birth Certificate

Hawaii birth certificate with a pair of eyeglasses, binder clip and cup of coffee.

Within 90 days of completing your name change application, obtain a certified copy of your birth certificate to submit along with your petition. Those born in the State of Hawaii can order certified copies online. For all other states, contact the department of public health for the state in which you were born.

4. Submit Petition

Manila envelope with all the required forms and certificates.

Within 30 days of notarization, mail your name change documents and certified birth certificate copy to the Office of the Lieutenant Governor, Hawai’i State Capitol, 415 South Beretania Street, 5th floor, Honolulu, Hawai’i 96813.

Include one self-addressed #10 envelope with first-class postage and one self-addressed large manila envelope with $2.00 postage in your package.[2]

5. Publish Notice

Hands holding Star Advertiser newspaper.

If your application is approved, the Lieutenant Governor will sign and return your Notice of Change of Name. Submit this document to a local newspaper, along with the publication fee, within 60 days from the date your notice was signed. Hawaii law requires this notice to be circulated for a minimum of one day.[3] Contact the Star-Advertiser at (808) 529-4344 or legals@staradvertiser.com to inquire about rates.

The newspaper will submit an affidavit to the Lieutenant Governor’s office to confirm that the notice was published. Upon receiving the affidavit, the Lieutenant Governor will sign the official Order and return it to you.

6. File Order Form

Envelope with personal check and pen.

The original, signed Order form must be filed with the Bureau of Conveyances within 60 days after it is signed by the Lieutenant Governor. A $41 filing fee is required.[4] You can file the form by mail or in person.

  • File by Mail – Bureau of Conveyances, Post Office Box 2867, Honolulu, HI 96803
    • Include a check or money order made out to the “Bureau of Conveyances”
  • File in Person – Bureau of Conveyances, Kalanimoku Building, 1151 Punchbowl Street, Honolulu, HI 96813
    • Cash payments are also accepted

Your name change will be official once the Bureau of Conveyances receives your filing.

Marriage Certificate

Under state law, a person may, upon civil union or marriage, declare a new middle and last name. Therefore, when you fill out your marriage license application, you can legally change your name by entering it in the applicable area of the form. After the marriage ceremony is completed, obtain a certified copy of your marriage certificate from the Hawaii State Department of Health. The certified copy you receive can serve as evidence of your name change.

Divorce Decree

The court proceedings for divorce in Hawaii permit either party to revert to the middle name and/or last name used prior to marriage or civil union. However, to make the change legal, you will need to include the new name within the provisions of your divorce decree. After the divorce is final, contact the Hawaii State Department of Health to request a certified copy of your divorce certificate. This document will serve as legal proof of your name change.

Driver’s License

A Hawaii driver’s license cannot be updated until the Social Security Administration (SSA) has been notified of the name change and a new social security card has been requested. You will need to submit the following documents to an SSA office:

Review the list of accepted documents to see what items can be used. After requesting a new card, proceed by applying for a new driver’s license. The application process with the Hawaii DMV differs from county to county.

Voter Registration

If your name has recently been changed, you will need to update the name on your voter registration. You can do this online using the State of Elections website, or you can submit a new Voter Registration Application to a County Clerk’s Office.