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Kansas Non-Compete Agreement Template

A Kansas non-compete agreement is a contract that prohibits a person from working as a competitor in a specific business industry. It is common for employers to require such an agreement at the time of hiring. A non-compete must mention a reasonable timeframe and specific territory restrictions.
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Legally Enforceable?

Yes, a non-compete is legally enforceable if it is “reasonable under the circumstances and not adverse to the public welfare.”[1] There are no state statutes governing non-competes in Kansas, but the courts have upheld such agreements in recent cases.

What is Reasonable?

A non-compete is considered reasonable if it:[2]

  • Protects a legitimate business interest;
  • Does not impose an undue burden on the employee;
  • Does not injure the public; and
  • Includes reasonable time and territory restrictions.
Attorneys (prohibited)

An attorney is strictly prohibited from entering into a non-compete or any agreement restricting their right to practice law.[3]

Continued Employment

If an employer should request a non-compete is signed after employment begins, continued employment is determined to be sufficient consideration.[4]

Maximum Term

2 years has been deemed to be a reasonable timeframe for a non-compete.[1]

Blue Penciling

A Kansas court may modify the terms of a non-compete to make it reasonable and enforceable under State law.The courts specifically stated the following:

“If an agreement is unreasonable in scope but otherwise enforceable, the court may alter its terms to shape a remedy which affords the plaintiff the contemplated protection.”[4]