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South Dakota LLC Operating Agreements (2)

A South Dakota LLC operating agreement is a legal document that allows a company to establish policies regarding its business activities. The ownership of an LLC is only mentioned in its operating agreement. Therefore, all companies are highly advised to complete and sign such a document, even if it's not required under state law.
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By Type (2)

Single-Member LLC Operating Agreement – For use specifically by a sole proprietor (single owner) who would like to establish the procedures and activities of the company, among many other aspects and needed protections.

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Multi-Member LLC Operating Agreement – For use by companies that have more than one (1) member to contribute and member manage the business.

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State Definition

“Operating agreement” means any valid agreement, either written or oral, under §47-34A-103 concerning the relations among the members, managers, and limited liability company; however, an integration clause contained in a written operating agreement may be given effect under other law. The term includes amendments to and restatements of the operating agreement. The operating agreement of a limited liability company having only one member shall not be unenforceable by reason of there being only one person who is a party to the operating agreement.[1]


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