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Texas LLC Operating Agreements (2)

Texas LLC operating agreement, or "company agreement", is used to establish the company's procedures, policies, and ownership. It is not a requirement under Texas law, but since no other document establishes the members' ownership interest in the company, it is highly recommended. Each member should retain a copy of the agreement.
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By Type (2)

Single-Member LLC Operating Agreement – For use specifically by single owner businesses in need of the creation of company establishment and to protect their personal and financial assets.

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Multi-Member LLC Operating Agreement – For use by businesses with more than one (1) member who would like to establish their company policies and shall agree on needed protections for their members.

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State Definition

“Company agreement” means any agreement, written or oral, of the members concerning the affairs or the conduct of the business of a limited liability company. A company agreement of a limited liability company having only one member is not unenforceable because only one person is a party to the company agreement.[1]


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  1. Sec. 101.001(1)