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Alabama Residential Purchase Agreement

An Alabama residential purchase agreement allows a buyer and seller to enter into a legally binding contract for the sale of real property. The main terms of the agreement will consist of a purchase price, downpayment, and financing (if any). The parties may also allow the agreement to be conditional on agreed-upon terms.
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State Laws

Buyer Beware – Alabama is a “buyer beware” or “caveat emptor” state which means that the buyer agrees to take possession of the property on an “as-is” basis. There are no guarantees made by the seller.[1]

Known Defects – If the buyer asks a specific question about the property, the seller has an “obligation to disclose known facts.”[2][3]

Required Disclosures (2)

Lead-Based Paint Disclosure – Only for residences that were built before 1978. This information should be available at the County’s Revenue Office.

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Seller’s Property Disclosure Statement – Not required but recommended to be completed by the Seller to inform the Buyer of any pertinent information about the property.

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