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Colorado Commercial Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement

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Colorado Commercial Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement

Updated July 28, 2023

A Colorado commercial real estate purchase and sale agreement sets forth the terms and conditions that a seller and buyer must adhere to when completing a successful commercial real estate transaction. All provisions within this contract can be negotiated by the parties and their respective agents so that they can arrive at a fair arrangement. Key information found in a commercial purchase agreement is the price, earnest money, financing, deadlines, titles and deeds, closing dates, and termination options. Once this document is signed by both parties, the property must be inspected by the buyer and their agent (“due diligence”).

Realtor Version

Colorado Real Estate CommissionPDF

Residential Property

Colorado Residential Purchase Agreement – This document conveys the terms, conditions, rights, and obligations of a real estate transaction between a buyer and a seller of residential property.

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