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Hawaii Commercial Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement

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Hawaii Commercial Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement

Updated October 11, 2023

A Hawaii commercial real estate purchase and sale agreement is a contract negotiated by a seller of commercial property and a potential buyer. This document is drafted for the purposes of detailing the location and inclusions of the property, each party’s rights, obligations and liabilities, and the steps that must be taken in order to complete a successful transaction. Commercial property transactions tend to be more complicated than residential purchases and both parties would be wise to hire legal counsel. Once the terms and conditions have been negotiated, the parties can sign the contract.

Realtor Version

Hawaii Assoc. of Realtors – PDF (No Realtor version exists exclusively for commercial real estate transactions. Many agencies use this agreement for commercial transactions; however, it often requires heavy-handed amending in order to make it appropriate for such purposes.)


Agency Disclosure (§ 16-99-3.1 of Administrative Rules) – Certain disclosures must be made by the brokerage firm to the seller and buyer when representing either or both in a real estate transaction. This disclosure can be presented orally or in writing. If in writing, it can be included in the purchase and sale agreement.

Residential Property

Hawaii Residential Purchase Agreement – A document signed by a seller and a buyer who have agreed to enter into a residential real estate transaction.

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