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New Hampshire Commercial Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement

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New Hampshire Commercial Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement

Updated February 26, 2024

A New Hampshire commercial real estate purchase and sale agreement is a contract used in commercial property transactions and is often used by potential buyers to present an offer to purchase land. Commercial real estate agreements may be for any type of business space, including retail, office, and manufacturing. In many circumstances, the buyer and seller will negotiate a mutually beneficial deal that includes the retrofitting of the property to suit the buyer’s specifications. It is also common for the buyer to offer earnest money deposits as a gesture of good faith as well as stating their planned financing methods. Once the document has been properly executed, it becomes a legally binding contract that both parties must follow.

Realtor Version

New Hampshire Association of Realtors – Accessible through the NH Realtors portal.

Residential Property

New Hampshire Residential Purchase Agreement – This document is designed to allow the owner of residential property and the person intent on purchasing it to establish a mutually beneficial transaction.

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