Application Fee ($)
- Outside the City of Portland – Landlords are generally prohibited from charging a rental application fee. However, in connection with an application, a landlord may charge an applicant the actual cost of only one of the following:[1]
- A background check;
- A credit check; or
- Some other relevant screening process.
- City of Portland – Application fees are prohibited.[2]
Disclosure of Criteria (City of Portland ONLY) – Before accepting an applicant for tenancy, landlords must disclose to the applicant, in writing, the criteria on which the application will be judged.[3]
Multiple Fees – Landlords may not charge one of the above screening fees more than once in any 12-month period.[1]
Copies – A complete copy of any information obtained through the above-mentioned checks or screenings must be provided to the applicant.[1]
Security Deposit – Deposits cannot be made in an amount exceeding the equivalent of two months’ rent.[4]