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South Carolina Lease Termination Letter Form | 30-Day Notice

A South Carolina lease termination letter is a simple legal document that is required for nearly any rental agreement in the event either the landlord or tenant wishes to vacate the premises.
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  • Delivery: If to the landlord, notice must be delivered to the place of business through which the lease was made. If to the tenant, notice must be delivered by hand or by registered or certified mail to the place designated for receipt of such communication. If no such place exists, notice must be delivered to the tenant’s last known place of residence.[1]
  • Notice Period: 30 days.[2]
  • Penalty for Holdover: If the tenant willfully violates the law by remaining on the property after the notice to terminate has expired, the landlord may be able to collect triple the periodic rent or twice actual damages, whichever is greater, plus reasonable attorney’s fees.[3]


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