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Arizona Firearm Bill of Sale Form

An Arizona firearm bill of sale is a document used by the owner of a firearm to legally sell or trade the firearm to another individual or party. In Arizona, purchasers and owners of firearms are not legally required to obtain a license or permit to carry a concealed weapon.
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Privately Selling a Firearm

Anyone can privately sell a firearm in the state of Arizona.

Prohibited from Buying

Anyone can privately sell a firearm in the state of Arizona.
Under state law,[1] a person commits misconduct involving weapons in the state of Arizona by knowingly selling or transferring a deadly weapon to a prohibited possessor. A prohibited possessor is considered any individual who:[2]

  • Has been convicted within or without this state of a felony or who has been adjudicated delinquent for a felony and whose civil right to possess or carry a firearm has not been restored;
  • Is at the time of possession serving a term of imprisonment in any correctional or detention facility;
  • Is at the time of possession serving a term of probation under a conviction for a domestic violence offense[3] or a felony offense, parole, community supervision, work furlough, home arrest, or release on any other basis or who is serving a term of probation or parole;[4] 
  • Is an undocumented alien or a nonimmigrant alien traveling with or without documentation in this state for business or pleasure or who is studying in this state and who maintains a foreign residence abroad.  This subdivision does not apply to:
      • Nonimmigrant aliens who possess a valid hunting license or permit that is lawfully issued by a state in the United States;
      • Nonimmigrant aliens who enter the United States to participate in a competitive target shooting event or to display firearms at a sports or hunting trade show that is sponsored by a national, state, or local firearms trade organization devoted to the competitive use or other sporting use of firearms;
      • Certain diplomats;
    • Officials of foreign governments or distinguished foreign visitors who the United States Department of State designates; and
    • Persons who have received a waiver from the United States attorney general;
  • Has been found incompetent,[5] and who subsequently has not been found competent; or
  • Is found guilty except insane.

Registering a Firearm

Registering a firearm is not required in the state of Arizona.[6]

Concealed Carry

Concealed carry is allowed in Arizona without a permit, but an individual can obtain a permit voluntarily.

How to Apply
Concealed carry permit applicants must be at least 21 years old or 19 with proof of military service. They must also be residents of Arizona or U.S. citizens, free of felony charges or convictions, free from mental illnesses, and lawfully present in the U.S.

  1. Complete both pages of the concealed carry permit application.
  2. Attach proof of firearm competence.
  3. Complete and attach two FD-258 Blue Applicant Fingerprint cards.
  4. Attach a cashier’s check, money order, or certified check payable to AZ DPS for $60.00.
  5. Attach proof of citizenship or legal right to reside in the U.S.
  6. Mail the application to AZ DPS CWPU, P.O. Box 6488, Phoenix, AZ 85005.


Arizona recognizes the concealed carry permits of all states that issue them to their residents.[7]