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Georgia Firearm Bill of Sale Form

A Georgia firearm bill of sale is a legal document that proves the sale and purchase of a firearm between two parties in the State of Georgia. It also proves the change of ownership and provides details about the sale.
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Privately Selling a Firearm

Anyone legally eligible to own a firearm can sell it privately, as long as the purchaser is also eligible to buy and own a firearm.

Prohibited from Buying

Specific persons are prohibited from purchasing a firearm in Georgia.[1]

  • Any person who is prohibited by this code section from possessing a firearm because of conviction of a forcible felony or because of being on probation as a first offender for a forcible felony under this code section and who attempts to purchase or obtain transfer of a firearm shall be guilty of a felony and shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than five years.

Registering a Firearm

Georgia does not have any laws requiring the state registration of firearms.

Concealed Carry

Individuals must have a valid Weapons Carry License to concealed carry in the state of Georgia.

How to Apply

Applicants must be at least 21 years old or 18 if they are active duty military or honorably discharged. They must also be Georgia residents, U.S. citizens, or legal residents, have no disqualifying legal convictions (felonies, drugs, domestic violence, etc.), have not been admitted to a mental health or substance rehabilitation facility within the past five years, and have never been admitted to a mental health facility against their will.

  1. Bring the following materials to the local probate court: proof of identity, proof of Georgia residency, and proof of U.S. citizenship or INS number.
  2. Obtain and complete an application from the probate court clerk (the application process is also available online).
  3. Submit the application to the clerk and pay the appropriate filing fee (varies by county).
  4. Provide fingerprints to the clerk or process them within five days of applying.
  5. Pass a background check.
  6. The court will issue or deny the license after roughly 30 days.


Under Georgia code,[2] the following states do not have reciprocity agreements with Georgia: California, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington.