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New York Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale | Form MV-912

A New York motor vehicle bill of sale provides proof that a motor vehicle has been legally sold and acquired in the State of New York. The form also serves as evidence of the vehicle’s change of ownership. It documents information about the buyer, seller, and vehicle that is necessary for registration and titling. It does also require notarization.
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Odometer Disclosure Statement (Form MV-103)– This form must be attached to the bill of sale of the vehicle is under ten (10) years old or sixteen-thousand (16,000) pounds.

Signing Requirements

Both the buyer and seller must sign.

Registering a Vehicle

A vehicle owner has to register their vehicle within 180 days of the effective date of their insurance policy and is required to renew the registration annually.[1] Registration renewal is available online, by mail, or in person at any DMV office.

Where to Register

Some counties are able to apply online. If the vehicle will reside in a county without online registration, it is best to check with the specific county’s DMV office for its procedures.

Required Documents