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New Hampshire Corporate Bylaws Template

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New Hampshire Corporate Bylaws Template

Updated April 25, 2023

New Hampshire corporate bylaws allow the board of directors or incorporators of a corporation to create rules that determine its management structure and operating procedures. The provisions set forth in the bylaws are meant to expand upon the articles of incorporation by defining the role of each officer, the criteria of their position, their term of office, and their powers within the organization. Corporate bylaws will also state the shareholders’ voting rights and the scheduling of periodic meetings.

Required in New Hampshire? Yes (§ 293-A:2.06(a))


Emergency Bylaws

The board of directors may introduce bylaws that go into effect upon the occurrence of an emergency which prevents a majority of the directors to assemble. These bylaws will run in concert with the rules previously established in the corporate bylaws and shall cease to be operative after the emergency situation expires (§ 293-A:2.07).