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Pennsylvania Custody (Parenting Plan) Agreement

A Pennsylvania custody agreement is a contract between parents outlining rights and responsibilities regarding a shared dependent child. It addresses decision-making, physical custody, visitation, and other issues pertaining to the child and their relationship with each parent.
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How to File for Custody in Pennsylvania

1. Agree on a Parenting Plan

In Pennsylvania, the court may require the parents to submit a proposed parenting plan if the custody case is contested.[1] It is highly recommended that the parents try to reach an agreement on the terms of custody, such as parenting time schedule, childcare arrangements, and other important matters involving the child.

2. Calculate Child Support

Use the state’s Child Support Estimator to calculate how much the court may order in child support obligations. Under Pennsylvania’s Child Support Guidelines, the amount is determined by the net monthly income of both parents and the number of children who need support.[2]

3. Complete and File Required Forms

Download and fill out the following forms from the Pennsylvania Judicial System:

Some counties in Pennsylvania will also require county-specific forms.[3]

File the forms with the county clerk local to the child’s permanent residence.

4. Serve Defendant

Serve court-certified copies of the forms to the defendant parent. Include the following service documents:

5. Attend Hearings

Both parents must attend all hearings scheduled to review the custody arrangement.

Custody Laws

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