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Idaho Quit Claim Deed

An Idaho quitclaim deed, unlike the warranty deed, conveys property from a seller ("grantor") to a buyer ("grantee") without a warranty as to whether the grantor has the authority to sell the property or has clean title to the property. This type of deed is preferred in informal arrangements, such as between family members.
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  • Recording – The quitclaim deed must be filed at the County Recorder’s Office (See County List) in the jurisdiction of the real estate.
  • Signing – A quitclaim deed must be signed by the grantor(s) in front of a notary public.[1]
  • Statute§ 55-612
  • Specific Language – The word “grant” should not appear in a quitclaim deed in Idaho as it presents to the grantee that a guarantee is implied in the conveyance.[2]