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Design Consultant Agreement

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Design Consultant Agreement

Updated September 26, 2023

A design consultant agreement is a legal contract that is used to define the terms and operating conditions between a professional design consultant and a client. The consultant will use the agreement to broadly describe the project and their obligations during the term. Included in this description will be the consultant’s fee along with other relevant payment information such as commission, pay frequency, and expense reimbursement. After the agreement terms have been negotiated, the parties may sign the form to render it legally binding.

What is a Design Consultant?

A design consultant is someone who suggests creative ideas that help improve the aesthetic quality and functionality of a product or space. The consultant will often work independently but may also be associated with a design firm or other business such as a construction company, furniture maker, retail store, or web developer. A bachelor’s degree is typically required for most positions and, depending on the State, a license may be needed to conduct business legally.

Types of Designers

  • Fashion
  • Graphic
  • Motion Graphic
  • Animation
  • Interior
  • Web
  • Architectural
  • Product
  • User Interface (UI)
  • User Experience (UX)

How Much Does a Design Consultant Make?

A design consultant’s pay is determined primarily by the industry/field of specialization, location, and level of experience. On average, a design consultant will make the following:

  • Salary: $54,266 per year[1]
  • Hourly Rate: $26[2]


  1. ZipRecruiter Salary
  2. ZipRecruiter Hourly Rate