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Drywall Subcontractor Agreement

A drywall subcontractor agreement is used to hire someone to complete drywall work as part of a larger residential or commercial construction project. The agreement lists the duties and scope of work by the subcontractor as well as the location, costs, liabilities, material requirements, due date, and any other requests.
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What is Drywall?

Drywall, or “plasterboard”, is a material utilized to complete the construction of a home’s interior walls and ceilings. Its paper-like form has mostly replaced the use of plaster in most homes mostly due to its moisture-resistant and fire-resistant properties. Drywall is made of two main components: gypsum and paper.

Drywall New Construction

Whether the project is for an existing remodel or new structure, the application of new drywall will incorporate painting and, for northern areas, installing insulation. Depending on contractors available in the area, there may be an individual or company that is able to service all mentioned needs when installing new walls and ceilings. It’s best to perform a lookup of the installers in the area, using Yelp and contacting other tradespeople in the area, to find the drywall contractor that best suits the needs of the project.

Drywall Repairs

Due to how drywall can easily crack, dent, and chip over time, a drywall repair-person can easily re-plaster drywall in a matter of hours if the damage is minor. The most common repair types are the following:

Fixing a Hole

For holes, a subcontractor will need to purchase a piece of drywall and cut it to fit the size of the hole then ensure the paper backing is still intact. The subcontractor will place the piece in front of the wall and trace around the drywall piece then cut it with a drywall knife. The subcontractor would then place “mud” (joint compound) on the back of the paper border and fit it to the new hole. The entire square will need to be covered in “mud” until the outline of the hole is no longer seen.


To patch a hole in drywall, a subcontractor may purchase ready-made drywall patches. They will need to ensure the whole is the same size as the patch. Once the hole and the patch are a perfect fit, the area will need to be cleaned prior to placing the patch on. Once the hole is cleaned, they will apply the patch and use a putty knife to remove air bubbles and then use a wide blade to apply “mud” over the area that is being repaired. Afterward, they will smooth over the mud and let it dry. Additional coats of mud may be applied as needed.

Re-Hanging Drywall

To hang drywall, first ensure you have measured appropriately and have the correct size of the drywall for the job. Then you will want to tack the sheet in the appropriate place using an adhesive, lever the drywall and double-check for protruding items.

How to Write

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Step 1 – Enter the Scope of Work

This section of the agreement will identify the location of the work, materials needed, the responsible party for the materials, length of time allowed for the work, date work must be completed by, list of tools and machinery, etc. In addition, a drawing or samples may be included to ensure the subcontractor has a full understanding of the request.

Step 2 – How much will the Subcontractor be paid

The total sum to be paid for the service will be identified.

Step 3 – Deadlines and Payment Schedule

Language regarding the terms of payments should be added. For example, as a certain percentage of the work is completed, payments will be released to the subcontractor. Additionally, the conditions for the final payment will be addressed i.e., verification work has been done timely and accurately.

Step 4 – Laws and Safety

This section will discuss the responsible party for ensuring all construction has been completed with the appropriate regulations. The subcontractor will need to ensure they are completing the work safely. It will also be the responsibility of the subcontractor to ensure they are compliant with any state or federal laws, building codes, Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations (OSHA) and so forth. The contract may further determine who is the responsible party for any potential accidents or issues with the laws corresponding to the construction work

Step 5 – Authorization

All parties will need to sign the agreement. Signatures should be completed after a full understanding of the contract is in place.