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South Dakota Subcontractor Agreement

A South Dakota subcontractor agreement is a legal agreement between a contractor and a subcontractor that lays out terms by which the subcontractor agrees to work on part of a project that the contractor has been hired to manage. The contractor is responsible for fulfilling their obligations towards the subcontractor.
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“Subcontractor” Definition

“Contractor” means any person engaged in the business of construction, repair, alteration, dismantling, or demolition of bridges, highways, roads, streets, buildings, airports, dams, drainage or irrigation ditches, sewers, water or gas mains, water filters, tanks, towers, oil, gas, or water pipelines, and every other type of structure, project, development, or improvement coming within the definition of real or personal property, including the construction, alteration, or repair of property to be held either for sale or rental, and includes subcontractor, public contractor, and nonresident contractor.
