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Florida 3-Day Notice to Quit Form | Non-Payment of Rent

A Florida 3-day notice to pay or quit is sent to a tenant when they fail to pay rent. It warns that if the past due rent is not paid in full within three days (excluding Saturday, Sunday, and legal holidays), the tenant must vacate the premises.
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  • Notice Period: 3 days (excluding Saturday, Sunday, and legal holidays).[1]
  • Rent Grace Period: None, rent is due at the “beginning of each rent payment period.”[2]
  • Maximum Late Fee: Cannot be “unconscionable.”[3]

Delivery Options (3)

  1. Delivering a true copy of the notice directly to the tenant.
  2. Sending by certified mail; or
  3. Leaving a copy at the tenant’s residence.[4]

Waiver of Landlord’s Right to Terminate

If the tenant has paid rent after when it was due, and the landlord accepts the late payment, it is considered a waiver of the landlord’s right to proceed with an eviction claim for nonpayment of rent.[5]


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