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Missouri Notice to Quit Form | Non-Payment of Rent

A Missouri notice to quit (non-payment) is a document landlords use to inform tenants that rent is past due. If a tenant who receives this notice does not pay immediately, the landlord has legal grounds to begin an eviction.
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  • Notice Period: None. Payment is due immediately.[1]
  • Rent Grace Period: No statute.
  • Maximum Late Fee: No statute.

Delivery Options

The notice can be delivered to the tenant or a person over the age of 15 residing on the property. If no one is home, the notice can be posted on the premises.[2]

Waiver of Landlord’s Right to Terminate

Missouri law does not address whether accepting late rent constitutes waiving the right to terminate a tenancy. Courts can and do rule that accepting late or partial payment renders an eviction proceeding null and void.


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