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Nevada Eviction Notice Forms (3)

A Nevada eviction notice is a legal document used by a landlord to notify a tenant that they have violated their lease contract. The notice informs the tenant of how they violated their lease and what they must do to address the issue. If the tenant does not address the violation within the allotted period, the landlord can begin an eviction action.
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By Type (3)

7-Day Notice to Quit (Non-Payment of Rent) – Used when a tenant owes past due rent. The landlord must allow the tenant five days to respond before beginning the eviction process.

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5-Day Notice to Quit (Non-Compliance) – Used when a tenant has failed to abide by the terms of the lease other than non-payment of rent.

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30-Day Notice to Quit (Month-to-Month Tenancy) – Used by either the landlord or tenant when they want to end a month-to-month tenancy.

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Eviction Laws

  • Rent Grace-Period: None.
  • Non-Payment of Rent: 7 days.[1]
  • Non-Compliance: 5 days.[2]
  • Illegal Activity: 3 days.[3]
  • Substantial Damage to Property: 3 days.[3]
  • Termination (Month-to-Month Lease): 30 days.[4]
  • Filing an Eviction: Actions and Proceedings in Particular Cases Concerning Property.[5]

Prohibited Landlord Actions

Utility Shutoff – A landlord who interrupts any utility services furnished to the tenant with the intent to terminate occupancy is liable to pay for damages.[6]

Changing the Locks – A landlord who unlawfully removes the tenant from the premises or excludes the tenant by blocking or attempting to block the tenant’s entry is liable for damages up to $2,500.[7]

Court Forms

Landlord’s Declaration for Summary Eviction for Non-Payment of Rent – This form is used when a landlord wishes to file an eviction due to unpaid rent.

Landlord’s Declaration for Summary Eviction for Breach – If the eviction is for any breach of the rental contract other than non-payment of rent, this form should be used.

District Court Civil Cover Sheet – This sheet must be attached when a declaration is submitted to the district court.

Tenant’s Declaration (Non-Payment of Rent) – After being served a notice for non-payment of rent, a tenant can file their answer to the court using this form.

Tenant’s Declaration (For Breach of Lease) – After being served a notice for breach of their lease terms, a tenant may contest with this document.

How to Evict a Tenant (4 steps)

1. Deliver Eviction Notice to Tenant

Hand holding envelope next to mailbox.

The first step in any eviction is to provide the tenant with the requisite notice as specified in the statutes. If you do not properly provide notice or do not wait for the specified period after the notice is given, your eviction may not be allowed to go forward. Depending on the situation, provide one of the following notices to the tenant in person, by service via the sheriff, or by certified mail:

2. Wait for Tenant’s Response

After being served with the Notice to Quit, the tenant will have five to seven days to file with the Court an Answer Form (for non-payment of rent or other lease violation).

3. File Complaint with Court / Attend Hearing

After the legal wait period, the landlord can file a Complaint (for non-payment of rent or other lease violation) in the local justice court with a Cover Sheet. You will also need to provide a copy of the lease (if there is one), a copy of the notice delivered to the tenant, and evidence that the notice was delivered.

Filing fees vary by township and county. For example:

  • Constable Hendership Township, Clark County: $42[8]
  • Reno, Washoe County: $71[9]
  • Canal Township, Lyon County: $87[10]

4. Receive Court Order

At the hearing, if the judge rules in favor of the landlord, an Order will be granted requiring the tenant to move out or be legally removed from the premises by a Constable.
