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West Virginia Immediate Notice to Quit Form

A West Virginia immediate notice to quit (non-payment/non-compliance/illegal activity) is a form that notifies a tenant of a landlord's intention to remove them from their property. Reasons for serving a notice to quit include illegal activity and failure to pay rent.
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  • Notice Period: No minimum notice period required.[1]
  • Rent Grace Period: None established by state statute.
  • Maximum Late Fee: None.

Delivery Options (2)

  1. Delivery to the tenant or a family member over the age of 16 in person; or
  2. Having the court clerk mail the summons by certified or first class mail.[2]

Waiver of Landlord’s Right to Terminate

In eviction proceedings, if the tenant pays the unpaid rent amount, along with interest and costs, before the trial, then all further proceedings in the case must cease.[3]


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