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Letter of Intent to Sue (with Settlement Demand) | Sample

A letter of intent to sue is used to provide notice to an individual or entity that a lawsuit may be filed against them if certain demands are not met. The letter summarizes the alleged reasons for such a suit and puts forward a timeframe in which the recipient may settle the matter to avoid legal proceedings.
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What is a Settlement Demand?

A settlement demand is a request made to a defendant that, if the demands are not met, a lawsuit will be filed. The defendant will usually be given 30 days to fulfill the requests made in the letter.

Delivery Requirement

Delivery of this notice is often required by law and may need to be sent via certified mail before initiating the filing process. Regardless of any legal necessity for delivery, the form should still be issued to the defendant to help achieve a mutual agreement between each party and prevent a costly lawsuit.

How to Write

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1. Begin with the Sender’s Information and Effective Date

(1) Sender’s Name and Address; and

(2) Effective Date.

2. Include the Name of the Recipient and the Reason for the Lawsuit

(3) Name of the Person or Entity to who the letter is being sent;

(4) Sender’s name; and

(5) Reason for suing.

3. Add the Names of the Parties and the Settlement Demand

(6) Plaintiff’s name;

(7) Defendant’s name;

(8) Settlement demand; and

(9) Valid for a specific number (#) of date.

4. Reference the Governing Law and Sign

(10) Governing law; and

(11) Author of the letter should sign.



John Blackstone of Drummond & Blackstone Law Firm
150 Main Street, Tampa, FL 33606
1(888) 500-3344

Effective Date: October 1, 2019

RE: Notice of Intent to File Lawsuit

Dear Mr. Don Johnson,

This letter of intent to sue shall serve as a formal notice that Albert Smith intends to commence a lawsuit against you due to the following: Unauthorized removal of hedges and fencing located at the rear of his home at 123 Fake Ave., Capital City.

I. The Plaintiff. Albert Smith (the “Plaintiff”).

II. The Defendant. Don Johnson (the “Defendant”).

III. Settlement Demand. As a result of your actions, the Plaintiff seeks relief in the form of a payment in the amount of seven hundred dollars ($700) which shall be used by the Plaintiff to replace the hedges and damage to their fence.

This offer to cure and/or settle this matter outside of court and avoid a lawsuit is valid for 30 days from the Effective Date.

V. Governing Law. This Letter of Intent shall be governed under the laws of the State of Florida.


John Blackstone