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Nevada Real Estate Agent Listing Agreement

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Nevada Real Estate Agent Listing Agreement

Updated April 23, 2024

A Nevada real estate agent listing agreement is a legal contract entered into between a real estate broker and their client (a seller of property). Out of the three types of listing agreements – Open, Exclusive Agency, and Exclusive Right-to-Sell – an agent will be more inclined to sign an Exclusive Right-to-Sell Agreement. This type of contract gives the agent sole representation over their client. They are still bound to the duties and responsibilities set forth in the agreement (and State law), but they earn a commission regardless of how the property gets sold. The agent must do their best to sell the property for a fair price. Other terms included in listing agreements are the length of listing, commission rates, termination of the agreement, seller’s obligations, and a confidentiality clause.

Agency Disclosure Form – A disclosure form provided by the Nevada Real Estate Division which sets forth the duties owed by a licensee acting on behalf of a party to a real estate transaction.[1]

Dual Agency – A disclosure form provided by the Nevada Real Estate Division which sets forth the duties owed by a licensee acting on behalf of more than one party to a real estate transaction.[1]

Supplemental List of Licensees (Form 525A) – This form is used when more than one agent will be working on the case.[1]

Property Disclosure Statement – Seller must complete and present to a potential buyer of the property.[2]

Search a Licensee – Look up a real estate agent in the State of Nevada.

Realtor Version

Nevada Association of Realtors Listing Agreement (Revised 2012)PDF


  1. § 645.252
  2. § 113.130