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Delaware LLC Operating Agreements (2)

A Delaware LLC operating agreement establishes the rules and ownership of a company. The agreement can be written, oral, or implied, although it is highly recommended that it be in writing. It should be signed by all company members (owners) and kept in a safe and accessible place. It is not filed with the Division of Corporations.
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By Type (2)

Single-Member LLC Operating Agreement – This document would be for use by a sole proprietor, one who would self-manage their own company. This document provides all of the same benefits as would be provided to medium to large-sized companies.

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Multi-Member LLC Operating Agreement – For use by any company/entity that will be a multi-member managed company. All members must agree to all aspects of the document in order that it might be effective.

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State Definition

“Limited liability company agreement” means any agreement (whether referred to as a limited liability company agreement, operating agreement or otherwise), written, oral or implied, of the member or members as to the affairs of a limited liability company and the conduct of its business. A member or manager of a limited liability company or an assignee of a limited liability company interest is bound by the limited liability company agreement whether or not the member or manager or assignee executes the limited liability company agreement. A limited liability company is not required to execute its limited liability company agreement. A limited liability company is bound by its limited liability company agreement whether or not the limited liability company executes the limited liability company agreement. A limited liability company agreement of a limited liability company having only 1 member shall not be unenforceable by reason of there being only 1 person who is a party to the limited liability company agreement. A limited liability company agreement is not subject to any statute of frauds (including § 2714 of this title). A limited liability company agreement may provide rights to any person, including a person who is not a party to the limited liability company agreement, to the extent set forth therein. A written limited liability company agreement or another written agreement or writing:[2]

a. May provide that a person shall be admitted as a member of a limited liability company, or shall become an assignee of a limited liability company interest or other rights or powers of a member to the extent assigned:

  1. If such person (or a representative authorized by such person orally, in writing or by other action such as payment for a limited liability company interest) executes the limited liability company agreement or any other writing evidencing the intent of such person to become a member or assignee; or
  2. Without such execution, if such person (or a representative authorized by such person orally, in writing or by other action such as payment for a limited liability company interest) complies with the conditions for becoming a member or assignee as set forth in the limited liability company agreement or any other writing; and

b. Shall not be unenforceable by reason of its not having been signed by a person being admitted as a member or becoming an assignee as provided in paragraph (9)a. of this section, or by reason of its having been signed by a representative as provided in this chapter.”


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