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Iowa LLC Operating Agreements (2)

An Iowa LLC operating agreement allows a company to outline its day-to-day operations and ownership. The agreement includes any terms agreed upon by all the owners (members) and becomes effective once signed by all parties. It is not required to be filed with the Secretary of State but all company members should retain a copy.
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By Type (2)

Single-Member LLC Operating Agreement – To be used by sole proprietors (single owners) to establish a method of daily business reporting, company policies, and owner protections among other aspects of the business.

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Multi-Member LLC Operating Agreement – For use by companies with more than one (1) member to establish the many various policies, procedures, and relationships between members.

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State Definition

“Operating agreement” means the agreement, whether or not referred to as an operating agreement and whether oral, in a record, implied, or in any combination thereof, of all the members of a limited liability company, including a sole member, concerning the matters described in section 489.110, subsection 1. The term includes the agreement as amended or restated.[1]


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  1. § 489.102(15)