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Iowa Durable Statutory Power of Attorney Form

An Iowa durable statutory power of attorney form is used when a person wants someone to have the ability and authority to handle their financial affairs. A durable power of attorney can also be used if a person anticipates being away or incapable of handling their financial matters in the near future.
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Signing Requirements

The principal is required to acknowledge their signature in front of a notary public. The agent only has to have their signature notarized if they sign the optional Agent Certification (§ 633B.105, § 633B.302).

Definition of “Durable”

“Durable,” with respect to a power of attorney, means not terminated by the principal’s incapacity (§633B.102(3)).

Definition of “Power of Attorney”

“Power of attorney” means a writing that grants authority to an agent to act in the place of the principal, whether or not the term “power of attorney” is used (§633B.102(9)).

Statutory Form

The Iowa Legislature has created a sample power of attorney form available at § 633B.301.