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Nevada Tax Power of Attorney

A Nevada tax power of attorney is a document that allows a principal to designate the power to handle tax-related affairs to a tax professional.
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How to Write

1 – The Tax Document Required To Appoint An Agent Must Be Obtained Here

Select The PDF button below the image. This will allow you to view and download the necessary paperwork. You can fill this out using a PDF editing program or you can print it and enter the information by hand.

2 – The Taxpayer Identity Must Be Clearly Presented

The Principal Taxpayer can only appoint a Representative Attorney-in-Fact to make decisions and take action in his or her Tax Matters fi they have been properly identified. This will require his or her Full Name and Complete Address recorded in the first item. Locate the box labeled “Taxpayer Name And Address” then document this information within it.

Adjacent to the Taxpayer Name you have just entered will be three additional boxes: “Taxpayer Identification Number,” “Daytime Telephone Number, and “Plan Number (If Applicable).” Make sure to document this information carefully as this will be used to conclude the basic Identification of the Taxpayer and provide a method of Contact.

3 – Supply Information To Define The Representative Accurately

The second item will be concerned with the Representative Attorney-in-Fact being appointed with Principal Power. There will be two columns provided so that you may enter the Attorney-in-Fact information in an organized manner. To begin, locate the first box of the first row (“Name Address”) then record the Full Name of the Representative Attorney-in-Fact as well as his or her Address. If you would like this individual to receive correspondences regarding the Tax Matters defined here, then mark the check box labeled “Check If To Be Sent Copies Of Notices And Communications” Note: Only the first two agents listed here will have this option.

The next column will require several pieces of information (where appropriate). Record the Attorney-in-Fact’s “CAF No.,” “PTIN,” “Telephone No.,” and “Fax No.”

Below this, three check boxes “Address,” “Telephone No.” and “Fax No.” If any of the Attorney-in-Fact’s information is new (and not on record yet), then check the appropriate box. If all concerned Tax Entities have the Attorney-in-Fact’s information on file and current, then leave these check boxes blank.

There will be three more rows, in case there are three more Representative Attorneys-in-Fact that must be appointed with this document. If there are more, you may continue this report on an attachment. Note: The I.R.S. will only send communications to two Attorneys-in-Fact. The option to name such entities with this power can only be done in the first two rows of this section.

4 – The Representative’s Principal Authority Should Be Outlined

The next few items will seek to detail the Representative Attorney-in-Fact’s Principal Power. We will begin with the third item, labeled “Acts Authorized,” where a Table will need to be filled out.

Use the first column, “Description Of Matter,” to describe each Tax Matter the Representative Attorney-in-fact will possess Principal Authority in. Examples of a Tax Matter include Payroll, Income, FOIA, etc.

In some cases, the Representative will need to have Powers to act with specific Forms in certain matters. If there are any specific forms the Representative Attorney-in-Fact should have Principal Authority with for the Tax Matter defined on that row, then enter them in the second column (“Tax Form Number”).

In the third column, “Year(s) or Period(s),” enables the Principal Taxpayer to give the Representative Attorney-in-Fact Authority only within certain time periods of the Tax Matter defined on this row. If this is applicable, enter these periods of Effect appropriately in the third column.

Some Powers of the Representative Attorney-in-Fact may not be may require actions not documented with the Centralized Authorization File. If this is the case, then mark the box in the fourth item corresponding to the statement “Specific Use Not Recorded On Centralized Authorization File (CAF).

The fifth item is divided into two sections. Locate item “5a Additional Acts Authorized.” Here the Representative Attorney-in-Fact may be granted the Principal Power to “Authorize Disclosure To Third Parties,” “Substitute Or Add Representative” and/or “Sign A Return” by marking the appropriate check box. Make sure to consult an Attorney before checking any of these boxes as additional information may be necessary. Several blank lines have been supplied so that any required language by such actions be included in this form. If there are additional powers that must be granted, then mark the check box labeled “Other Acts Authorized” and describe these other Powers in the area provided.

Item “5b Specific Acts Not Authorized” shall prevent the Representative Attorney-in-Fact from having the Power to endorse or negotiate any type checks or payments to the Principal on behalf of the Principal. If there are any more restrictions, then list them on the blank spaces provided.

5 – Indicate How This Power Of Attorney Will Affect Previous Appointments

In the sixth section, “Retention/Revocation Of Prior Power(s) Of Attorney,” the option to keep previous Appointments of Principal Authority valid will be presented. If previous appointments have been made in Principal Authority and should remain in effect, then mark the check box in this section and attach a copy of the previous appointment. If not, and all other Powers of Attorney should be revoked when this document is executed, then leave this check box unmarked.

6 – The Taxpayer Must Sign This Form To Complete The Attorney-in-Fact’s Appointment

The Principal Taxpayer must give solid confirmation of the intention to deliver this appointment of Principal Authority. This can only be done by signature. Look for the blank line labeled “Signature” in the seventh item. The Principal Taxpayer must sign his or her Name on this line, then enter the current Date on the blank line adjacent to this. If the Principal holds a Title as part of his or her Name, this may be reported on the next blank space.

Below the Signature Line, the Signature Party must present his or her Printed Name on the “Print Name” line. If the Principal Taxpayer is not the Signature Party, then Print the Principal Taxpayer’s Full Name on the blank line labeled “Print Name Of Taxpayer From Line 1 If Other Than Individual.”

7 – The Representative Attorney-in-Fact(s) Must Make And Sign A Self-Declaration

The Representative Attorney-in-Fact will also have to provide some information regarding his or her status then verify this report with a Dated Signature. To begin, the Representative Taxpayer should review the list provided in “Part II Declaration Of Representative.” The first part of this list will be several bullet points the Representative Attorney-in-Fact will agree to when he or she signs this document. Below this will be a list (lettered A-K and R) of Professions/Roles. The Representative should make note of which of these items define him or her. Once this task is completed, each Representative Attorney-in-Fact should use the table to enter his or her information into the following columns “Designation — Insert Above Letter A-R),” “Licensing Jurisdiction (State) Or Other Licensing Authority (If Applicable),” and “Bar, License, Certification, Registration, Or Enrollment Number (If Applicable).

Each Representative Attorney-in-Fact should also sign his or her Name in the “Signature” column then, enter the Current Date in the last column.