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Nevada Power of Attorney Forms (10 Types)

Nevada power of attorney forms are documents that allow a person ("principal") to designate someone else ("agent") to represent them in financial or medical affairs. The principal may select which powers will be handed over to the agent.
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By Type (10)

Durable (Statutory) Power of Attorney – Allows a person (“principal”) to choose someone else to handle financial matters. The form remains valid if the principal becomes incapacitated.

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Signing Requirements – Notary public.[1]

General (Financial) Power of Attorney – This form also conveys general financial authority over property, but unlike the durable form, it becomes ineffective and void upon the principal’s incapacity.

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Signing Requirements – Notary public.[1]

Limited Power of Attorney – This form allows a principal to convey authority to an agent for a specific event or limited time period.

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Signing Requirements – Notary public.[1]

Medical Power of Attorney – This document conveys legal authority to another to make health care decisions for the principal when they are unable to do so themselves.

Download: PDF, MS Word, OpenDocument

Signing Requirements: Notary public or two (2) witnesses.[2]

Minor (Child) Power of Attorney – This form allows a parent to convey authority to another or the care and support of their children. It is usually used when the parents anticipate being away and unavailable for a period of time.

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Signing Requirements – Notary public.[1]

Revocation of Power of Attorney – This form is used to terminate a previous POA. It is important that this form is used in conjunction with providing notice to the agent and others that you are revoking a POA.

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Signing Requirements: No laws, but notary recommended.

Real Estate Power of Attorney – Allows you to appoint an agent to act on your behalf with regard to your real property, such as selling or attending a closing, authorizing leases, etc.

Download: PDF, MS Word, OpenDocument

Signing Requirements – Notary public.[1]

Springing Power of Attorney – Allows a durable power of attorney to ‘kick-in’ upon a principal’s subsequent incapacity.

Download: PDF, MS Word, OpenDocument

Signing Requirements: Notary public.

Tax Power of Attorney Form – This form provides a way in which you can convey authority to a tax professional or another to handle your tax matters in front of the tax authorities.

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Signing Requirements: Principal only.

Vehicle Power of Attorney (Form VP136) – This form allows you to convey authority to act to another on behalf of your interests in a motor vehicle -usually to effect a title or registration application.

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Signing Requirements: Notary public.
