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Wisconsin Minor (Child) Power of Attorney Form

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Wisconsin Minor (Child) Power of Attorney Form

Updated June 07, 2023

A Wisconsin Minor (Child) Power of Attorney Form is a document enabling a child’s parent(s) to select a trusted family member or friend to act as a guardian of the child’s interests if or when the parent(s) is not available to represent the child. It should be kept in mind this is not a permanent delegation of principal guardian powers over a child’s welfare nor will the temporary guardian you choose have the same standing as a court-appointed guardian. This paperwork, however, is a considered a wise failsafe in case the parent(s) are temporarily unavailable (such as on a vacation or traveling for a trade show). This form will require only some basic information but will not be considered valid without the signature of each parent or court-appointed guardian. If at any point you need room to add information, continue on a separate sheet and attach it to the document. This document may be legally acceptable for up to one year from its date of execution and may be revoked at any time in writing to the attorney-in-fact/principal.

How to Write

1 – Download The Guardian Delegation Form Using The Caption Buttons On This Page

The paperwork available through this page allows or the designation of Principal Guardian Powers over a Minor (Child) to an Attorney-in-Fact. Use the buttons presented in the caption area to save the appropriate template to your computer

2 – Name Each Child Who Will Be Placed Under The Principal Powers Of The Guardian

Each Child, whose welfare will depend upon this delegation of Principal Powers, must be satisfactorily identified. This will be handled in the first section of this paperwork. This will involve the “Full Name,” “Date Of Birth,” and current “Address” of each concerned child supplied to the appropriately labeled blank lines. There will be enough room to name three Children in this area. If there are more, you should continue reporting this information for each Child on an attachment

3 – Formally Declare The Parent Or Current Guardian’s Intent To Assign Principal Powers

In order to correctly declare an Agent with Parental Principal Power, we must first supply the Parent’s Full Name and Address on the first blank line to the area labeled “Parent Name” and “Parent Address”Locate the statement “I Delegate My Parental Power To” then enter the Name, Address, Telephone Number, E-Mail Address, and any other Contact Information of the Agent who will be the Attorney-in-Fact receiving Principal Power on the blank lines “Name Of Agent,” “Agent’s Address,” “Agent’s Telephone Number(s),” and “Agent’s E-Mail Address Or Additional Contacts.” Then,  document the “Relationship Of The Agent” to each Child on the next blank line. For instance, “Grandmother” or “Uncle” are both acceptable examples.

4 – A Definition To the Principal Power Will Be Sought By This Paperwork

The Principal Powers being delivered to this document will have to be well-defined. Two choices are presented under the statement “The Parental Power I am Delegating Is As Follows” for this purpose. If the Parent is granting Full Principal Authority, then the statement “Full Parental Power Regarding The Care And Custody…” must have its accompanying check box marked

If the Parent does not wish to grant Full Principal Powers then, do not mark the above checkbox. Locate the heading “Partial.” We will have to use the areas below this heading to indicate what Guardian Powers are being designated to the Agent or Attorney-in-Fact. First, we will address the extent of the Attorney-in-Fact’s Principal Powers regarding the Child’s Health Care. If the Attorney-in-Fact should have the full scope of Health Care Powers concerning the Child’s well-being, then mark the first checkbox in the “Health Care Decisions Delegated As Follows.”If the Attorney-in-Fact should only be able to perform certain functions to satisfy the Child’s Health Care needs, then use the remainder of the list here to indicate which responsibilities the Attorney-in-Fact may perform to maintain or promote the Child’s Health. You may mark one, some or none of these remaining items. Only the statements with a marked checkbox will apply to the Attorney-in-Fact’s Principal Guardian Powers The next area, labeled “Other Decisions Delegated As Follows” presents a method to name specific Principal Powers the Child’s Parent wishes to appoint to the Attorney-in-Fact. Once again, each checkbox marked in this list will apply its corresponding statement to the scope of the Attorney-in-Fact’s Principal Guardian Powers. Below these two checklists of Power Statements will be several blank lines. If the Principal has specific Powers that he or she wishes to appoint to the Attorney-in-Fact that has not been defined in either of these lists, these additional Powers will have to be deliberately reported. This should be done on the blank lines in this area. If the description of Principal Powers will require an attachment, then make sure to mark the box labeled “See Attached Page(s)”

5 – Define The Life Span Of The Principal Powers Delivered Here

We will have one final task to satisfy the definitions requested by this paperwork. Find the section labeled “Effective Date And Term Of This Delegation” then enter the first Calendar Date when the Principal Powers (defined above) will be accessible to the Attorney-in-Fact on it. Then, on the second blank space fill in the final Calendar Date when the Attorney-in-Fact will be able to wield Principal Power. Note: In the State of Wisconsin, Principal Guardian Powers over a Child may only be in effect for one year or less.

6 – Several Signature Parties Must Combine To Execute This Form

The “Revocation Of Power Of Attorney” section is the designated Execution area for this document. Here each Parent must supply some items.

The column to the bottom left of the terminology in this section requires the Mother of Child’s attention. She must sign her Name on the “Mother’s Signature” line then enter the Date of Signature just above the word “Date” on the same line. The Child’s Mother must then print her Name on the “Mother’s Name Printed” line. Below this, she must supply her Address, Telephone Number, and Email Address on the blank lines labeled “Mother’s Address,” “Mother’s Telephone Number(s),” and “Mother’s Email Address.”  The Father of the Child will need to tend to the column on the right. Here, the Father of the Child must sign his or her Name on the “Father’s Signature” line then, record the Calendar Date of this Signature in the area to the right. The Father must print his Name, Address, Telephone Number, and Email Address on the spaces labeled “Father’s Name Printed,” “Father’s Address,” “Father’s Telephone Number(s),” and “Father’s Email Address.” Below these Signatures, the “Witnessing of Signature(s)” area has been furnished so the Principal Signatures may be notarized. This means only a Notary Public can supply the items in this section. This is optional but strongly recommended The “Statement Of Agent” section will need some minor preparation. Fill in the “Name And Address Of Agent,” “Name(s) Of Parent(s),” and the “Name(s) Of Child(ren)” where requested in this testimony. The Attorney-in-Fact being granted Guardian Principal Powers must sign the “Agent Signature” line then supply the “Date” of his or her Signature If either or both Parents will not be at the Address recorded in the Declaration Statement at the beginning of this paperwork then you may either mark the box labeled “I Can Be Located At,” “Or By Contacting,” or “…I Cannot Be Located” box to give a status on this location. Make sure if marking the first box, to report the “Address(es),” “Telephone Number,” and “E-Mail Address” where the Parent(s) will be located. If marking the second box record the “Name,” “Address,” “Phone” number, and “E-mail Address” of the individual who can reach the Parents