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Indiana Commercial Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement

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Indiana Commercial Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement

Updated April 15, 2024

An Indiana commercial real estate purchase and sale agreement is a document that conveys the legal arrangement between the parties engaged in a commercial real estate transaction. Once an offer has been negotiated and a final sale price settled upon, both parties can sign the agreement and will be bound thereto until the closing of the sale. Along with the sale price, a purchase and sale agreement includes details regarding earnest money, a deposit made by the potential buyer as a show of good faith to the seller. There are many contingencies, especially in commercial property transactions, that must be met in order for the transaction to be successful.


Seller Agency Relationship – Licensees representing a seller in a real estate transaction must disclose the nature of the agency relationship.[1]

Buyer Agency Relationship – Licensees representing a buyer in a real estate transaction must disclose the nature of the agency relationship.[2]

Limited (Dual) Agency – Licensees representing both buyer and seller in a real estate transaction must obtain written consent from the parties.[3]

Residential Property

Indiana Residential Purchase Agreement – A legal contract that outlines the terms of a residential real estate transaction between the owner and the buyer.

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  1. § 25-34.1-10-10
  2. § 25-34.1-10-11
  3. § 25-34.1-10-12