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Montana Commercial Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement

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Montana Commercial Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement

Updated August 11, 2023

A Montana commercial real estate purchase and sale agreement is a document used to formalize the terms of the transfer of ownership of property used for business purposes. The contract indicates the purchase price and terms of closing, as well as any financing conditions, deposits, and additional property that is included with the purchase. If the seller accepts the offer, both parties will sign the agreement making it legally binding. The seller may also choose to refuse, negotiate, or add addendums to the offer.


Mold Disclosure Statement (§ 70-16-703) – All real estate purchase and sale agreements must include a statement that relays the possibility of mold being present on the property.

Residential Property

Montana Residential Purchase Agreement – Establishes a legally binding arrangement between a buyer and a seller of a piece of residential property.

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