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Oklahoma Commercial Purchase and Sale Agreement

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Oklahoma Commercial Purchase and Sale Agreement

Updated August 01, 2023

An Oklahoma commercial purchase and sale agreement is a contract stating the purchase price and terms for the sale of commercial real estate. Upon mutual acceptance of the conditions, the buyer will usually have an opportunity to perform an inspection of the premises to look for defects and other problems that might affect their decision to purchase. If the inspection report reveals issues, or if another contingency listed in the contract is not satisfied, the buyer may have the ability to cancel the transaction or negotiate new terms.


Disclosure to Seller or Buyer (§ 59-858-353) – Before signing a purchase agreement, this disclosure shall be provided to consumers to state the obligations of the broker.

Realtor Version

Oklahoma Real Estate CommissionPDF

Residential Property

Oklahoma Residential Purchase Agreement – This agreement includes all the provisions necessary to guide and hold accountable the parties of a residential real estate transaction.

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