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Oregon Commercial Purchase and Sale Agreement

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Oregon Commercial Purchase and Sale Agreement

Updated August 01, 2023

An Oregon commercial purchase and sale agreement defines various terms and conditions for a buyer’s offer to purchase commercial real estate. The proposal conveyed in the agreement is an irrevocable offer that is only valid for a specific amount of time. Within this term of validity, the seller can either accept the offer as-is or negotiate a new contract by presenting a counteroffer to the buyer. However, if the seller neither accepts the terms nor submits a counteroffer prior to the expiration of the proposal, the document will no longer be valid and the offer shall be considered rejected.


Initial Agency Disclosure (§ 863-015-0215) – Real estate licensees are required to provide this disclosure to consumers upon the first substantive meeting. The disclosure will inform the consumer of the licensee’s legal obligations during the transaction.

Residential Property

Oregon Residential Purchase Agreement – This real estate contract is used by a seller and a buyer to set forth the terms and conditions of the purchase and sale of residential property.

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