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Location Release of Liability Form

The location release of liability is a general protective release. This would be considered a broad release for all possible civil claims that would result from location/liability disputes.
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Guide to Using a Location Release of Liability Form (3 steps)

  1. Download and Review Form
  2. Acknowledgement and Signature
  3. Validate and Legalize Form

1. Download and Review Form

The following information may need to be filled out or acknowledged on the form (requirements vary by location, use and party requested amendments):

  • Name of parties involved in the Location Release of Liability.
  • Identification of the party responsible for the physical safety and security of the individuals who will utilize the property and the property itself.
  • Local council permission (if shooting or filming in a park, public land or street).
  • Explicit permissions requested and how the location or property in question will be utilized (congregating large crowds for the shoot, creating large structures, or hosting activities that may result in excessive noise and pollution) along with the length of time of the shoot or film.
  • Date and time of video/film or photography shoot.
  • Responsible party for post-production cleanup activities.
  • Payment amount and date of payment, if applicable.
  • Acknowledgment that the party obtaining the Location Release of Liability is not in breach of local council regulation or is trespassing on the property.
  • Insurance information as applicable.
  • Cancellation policy and guidelines.

2. Acknowledgement and Signature

  • Party with legal rights to the location will review and acknowledge the full form (resident or tenant of a location that does not own the property cannot sign the Location Release of Liability Form).
  • Owner should acknowledge the form releases all rights to any photography, video or film captured on the property.
  • The rights of the photographs or film belong to the party identified (photographer, producer or entity) on the Location Release of Liability Form.
  • Parties acknowledge that owner is not held liable and will be held harmless.

3. Validate and Legalize Form

  • Party will print, sign and date the Location Release of Liability Form.
  • Should the party be a Minor, the legal parent or guardian must sign the Location Release of Liability Form.