How to Complete a Model Release Form (3 steps)
2. Download, Complete, and Sign
The Model Photo Copyright Release Form may include the following information:
- Name of the Photographer;
- Name of the Model;
- Address and the phone number of the Model;
- Description of specified photographs;
- The longevity of the validity of the form;
- Location and date of where photography session will take place;
- Detailed intent of how and when the photo may be published;
- Conditions of participation and usage restrictions (i.e. if Model will be allowed to review final content);
- Advisement of photo ownership and any third party publishers;
- Breach of contract implication and if, in what conditions revocation is allowable;
- Payment clause, amount and date payment will be made;
- Number of prints or digital copies to be received by Model;
- Picture Identification must be included for Artistic Nude Photography, if applicable;
- Witness signature may be needed; and
- If the Model is not of legal age, which is dependent on local state law, the parent or legal guardian must also sign the form. Emancipated minors would be exempt from requiring additional signatures and consent.