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Colorado Residential Lease Agreement

A Colorado residential lease agreement binds a landlord and a tenant into an arrangement concerning the rental of a property. The tenant can occupy the property on the first day of the lease term after paying the first month's rent.
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Required Disclosures (8)

  1. Lease Agreement – The landlord must provide the tenant with a signed copy of the lease agreement no later than seven days after both parties have signed.[1]
  2. Landlord Identification – The name and address of the landlord or the landlord’s authorized agent must be provided in writing to the tenant. If said name or address should change, the landlord has one business day to notify the tenant.[2]
  3. Radon Disclosure & Radon Brochure – A landlord must inform a tenant if a property has been tested for elevated levels of radon. If this is the case, then the tenant must be notified of any concentrations detected and any mitigation or remediation performed. The lease agreement must include the following language in bold-faced type: “The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment strongly recommends that ALL tenants have an indoor radon test performed before leasing residential real property and recommends having the radon levels mitigated if elevated radon concentrations are found. Elevated radon concentrations can be reduced by a radon mitigation professional. Residential real property may present exposure to dangerous levels of indoor radon gas that may place the occupants at risk of developing radon-induced lung cancer. Radon, a Class A human carcinogen, is the leading cause of lung cancer in nonsmokers and the second leading cause of lung cancer overall. A landlord is required to provide the tenant with any known information on radon test results of the residential real property.” The tenant must also sign the disclosure.[3]
  4. Lead-Based Paint – If a dwelling was built before 1978, the landlord must notify the tenant that the paint could contain lead.[4]
  5. Bed Bugs – If a tenant asks, a landlord is required to disclose whether the dwelling contained bed bugs within the last eight months and the date on which the unit was inspected and declared free of bed bugs.[5]
  6. Application Fee – A landlord must disclose to a prospective tenant what the rental application fee will be used for and how the fee was determined. Any amount not used as anticipated must be returned to the applicant within 20 calendar days.[6]
  7. Reason for Denying – If a landlord denies an applicant’s application, the tenant must be notified in writing of the reasons why.[7]
  8. 5 or Fewer Rental Homes – If the landlord owns five or fewer single-family dwellings, the landlord can send 5-day notice (instead of 10-day notice) for any lease violation made by the tenant.[8]

Security Deposit Laws

Maximum Amount – A security deposit cannot exceed the amount of two monthly rent payments.[9]

Returning to Tenant – A landlord has one month to return the security deposit to a tenant unless the lease agreement specifies a longer period. However, this period may not exceed 60 days.[10]

  • Itemized List – If any amount of the deposit is withheld, the landlord must send the tenant a written list of expenses deducted from the deposit.

Rent Payment Laws

Grace Period – Seven calendar days.[11]

Late Fee – No more than $50 or 5% of the amount of the past due rent payment.[12]

NSF Fee – A landlord can charge up to $20 per bounced rent check.[13]