Rental Application – Used by landlords to verify prospective renters’ credit, background, and employment.
Required Disclosures (6)
- District of Columbia Tenant Bill of Rights – Tenants in D.C. must receive a copy of the District of Columbia Tenant Bill of Rights.[1]
- RAD Form 3 – Landlords must give tenants a copy of Housing Provider’s Disclosures.[2]
- RAD Form 5 – The aforementioned disclosures must be accompanied by this form.[3]
- Voter Registration Form – Landlords in D.C. must provide tenants with voter registration forms.[4]
- Bedbug Facts Sheet – If bedbugs were found on a property within the last 120 days, its landlord must notify tenants in writing before a lease agreement is signed.[5]
- Lead-Based Paint Disclosure & EPA Pamphlet – Tenants must receive both of these forms if the property was constructed before 1978.
Security Deposit Laws
Maximum Amount – Up to one month’s rent.[6]
Returning – If no deductions were made from the security deposit, then the full amount must be returned within 45 days of the end of a tenancy. Otherwise, notice of deductions must be issued within this timeframe. Within 30 days of such notice being issued, a landlord must return the remaining balance plus an itemized list of deductions made.[7]