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Kansas Lease Termination Letter Form | 30-Day Notice

A Kansas lease termination letter provides the means for a tenant or landlord to terminate a month-to-month lease. State law requires 30 days’ notice when terminating a month-to-month lease, regardless of which party moves to end the agreement.
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  • Delivery: Notice may be delivered directly to the tenant. If the tenant cannot be found, a copy may be left at their residence, by delivering a copy to a person 12 years or older that resides in the dwelling, by posting a copy of the notice in a conspicuous place at the dwelling, by registered mail with proof of service being an affidavit or a return receipt, or by certified mail with proof of service being a return receipt.[1]
  • Notice Period: 30 days for the landlord and tenant. 15 days if the tenant is in the military and termination is necessitated by military orders.[2]
  • Penalty for Holdover: If the tenant continues to occupy the dwelling in bad faith after the termination of the lease, the landlord may be awarded one and a half month’s rent or one and a half times the actual damages, whichever is greater.[3]


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