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Wyoming Voter Registration Form – Register to Vote in WY

Wyoming Voter Registration Form – Register to Vote in WY

Updated August 11, 2023

A Wyoming voter registration form is used to register residents to vote in Wyoming. Applicants must supply their personal information before signing the form in front of a county clerk or other authorized individual (for in-person submissions only). The form may also be delivered by mail; however, applying this registration method demands that a notary public or registered agent be present at the time of signing. Either a Wyoming driver’s license or social security number may be used as valid identification for registration. If neither forms of ID are available, the County Clerk’s Office will also accept several other articles of identification.

Check Your Voting Status – Contact a local County Clerk’s Office to review your status.

Deadline – Applicants may register on election day or anytime in advance.

Find a Polling Place – http://soswy.state.wy.us/Elections/PollPlace/Default.aspx

Register Online – N/A

Where to Send Voter Registration Form – County Clerk’s Office or bring to a polling location on election day.

Voter ID – According to the Secretary of State, voters are not required to show photo identification at the polls. However, an individual voting in a federal election for the first time must present photo identification which shows both their name and address.